We are a premier Precision Planting and a DuckFoot Parts dealer in Ontario, serving the Haldimand, Norfolk, London area, and the proud winner of Precision Planting’s Highest Growth award!
We’re farmers too! We are using this equipment and have seen how it works, and the results it can deliver.
What we can offer you:

We understand ‘ag-talk’ . When you describe what your’e looking for or trying to do, we know what it means, and can provide advice.

We’re farmers too! We are using this equipment and have seen how it works, and the results it can deliver.

pricing quotes
We have a tight working arrangement with the dealership networks we are part of, and can get you up-to-date quotes in a timely manner.

We stock a lot of the commonly-used parts, and can get all the others expedited direct from factory.
Precision Planting® – Believe in Better™

We are pleased to represent the Precision Planting fine line of products.Over the years, as we use their products in our day-to-day operations, we depend on their innovation and quality to consistently deliver top-rated results.
Precision stand true to their motto
“Upgrade the equipment you already own.”
Let our expertise and experience work for you, as you strive to improve your equipment’s performance and your farms’ yields.

Justin Hiebert of Hiebert Farms on “The Sharp Edge” by RealAgriculture.com
click here to watch Justin discuss planting depth control using Precision Planting technology!

Justin Hiebert (center) of Hiebert Farms receiving the award from Doug Wright (left) and Matt Bennett (right) of Precision Planting
We are proud to have been awarded the 2022 Precision Planting’s Highest Growth award!
Duck Foot Parts Inc.
The Trusted Name in Header Precision and Harvest Efficiency

Harvest precision starts at the header. Regardless of the model, Duck Foot™ paddle tines feature the same design ingenuity for any brand of header reel. Properly secured tines using our patented clip system, keeps the cutter bar clear, providing uniform crop flow that helps to eliminate combine losses.

Duck Foot™ paddle tines are an award-winning farm innovation. Created by a farmer to solve the problem of combine header loss, this made in Canada product has continued to expand with a product line reaching more header brands than any paddle tine on the market and to evolve with a unique clip system. Duck Foot™ slip-over paddle tines were designed to be a time-efficient and cost-effective solution to benefit farmers during harvest.
Can I do the install of Precision Planting equipment myself?
We’re happy to support you as you do the installation yourself or if you don’t have the time or space and want our team of experienced techs to go over your planter we’re more than happy to do that.
Why should I retrofit my planter instead of trade or buy new?
It’s always more economical to rebuild your existing (or new to you used) planter than buying a new one. We are able to supply you with everything except the bar and can build a more technologically advanced planter than is currently available from the OEM manufacturers.
How did Duck Foot Parts get started?
While combining his lentil crops during harvests, Saskatchewan farmer Steve Kastning noted with increasing alarm the amount of his crop that would sit and shake on his combine’s cutter bar and fall to the ground. He knew he couldn’t sell what he couldn’t harvest. After expressing his frustration to his wife, Chrisa, she challenged him to find a way to solve the problem…
read the full story at https://investsk.ca/2024/03/14/duck-foot-parts-paddle-tine-sales-are-soaring/
How are Duck Foot™ paddle tines installed?
The patented Duck Foot™ paddle tines simply slip OVER the existing tine, then the clip is placed over
top to secure it. No need to remove anything and no tools are required for installation!
Do Duck Foot™ paddle Tines help with header loss?
Yes, they are field-tested and proven to reduce header losses up to 75%.
Contact Info
101 Concession Rd 2, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0 | |
226-567-0959 | |
info@hiebertfarms.com | |
Mon – Sat: 8 AM – 5 PM |